So do the predators eat the muscle or the liver first?

You gotta know they go for the “offal.”  Here is a photo to prove it. Liver? Full of vitamins (B12, folate, B6.) Full of iron. It’s a meaty vitamin pill.  Brains? Huge amounts of omega three fats. (go to the bottom to the fat section.) PaleoPathologist is a big liver eater. I’ve done brains a few times; once had Brains and Eggs at a little diner in Durham, NC and had some sheep brains in Thailand.

So, what do you think? Why do you or don’t you eat liver, heart, or kidney?

Where can you find Liver and Onions in Denver?

We’ve said it before. Most pathologists just won’t eat liver, and most Americans have unfortunately lost the taste. Not PaleoPathologist!  I’ve always liked Liver. Below is the Blackeyed Pea Senior portion (watch it out there) with broccoli, spinach, and butter which is going on the broccoli in a moment. The vinegar is for the spinach.

liver onions blackeyed pea

PaleoPathologist tip of the day on Sunburn

PaleoPathologist is fortunate enough to go with Incredible Wife (IW) and a mix of daughters, sons in law, grandsons, parents, etc. to a beach trip each summer. Sometimes it is Holden Beach, North Carolina, this summer it was La Jolla, CA. The picture of course is totally candid, unposed, and naturally I was breathing in a totally relaxed and easy manner.physique at beach..

Nutrient Density; what does it mean?

Eating a “nutrient dense” diet sounds terrific. Sign me up.  But what does it actually mean? Density in physics is mass per volume. So water is less dense than lead because one cc of water weighs less than one cc of lead.  Pretty straightforward. So what are we going to measure for nutrient density?